Thursday, January 31, 2008
Joe Scarborough on John McCain's Record
* A conservative is not a man that calls tax cuts that George Bush passed that revived the economy "tax cuts for the rich." That is not a conservative.
* A conservative is not a man who is one of two Republicans standing alone in Washington, DC voting against those tax cuts that every other Republican supported in Washington, DC. That is not a conservative.
* A conservative is not a man that teams up with Teddy Kennedy to produce a bill that is nothing short of amnesty that would allow 12 million illegal immigrants to attain legal status the day after John McCain's bill and Ted Kennedy's bill becomes law. That is not a conservative.
* A conservative is not somebody that goes on Tim Russert's show a couple of weeks ago and says if that amnesty bill that would allow 12 million illegal immigrants to become citizens [legal residents] the next day, he does not go on that show and say "yes, I would sign that bill, but don't worry, it's not going to come to my desk." That is not a conservative.
* A conservative is not a man who says he wants to increase taxes maybe 50 cents per gallon on the American people, trying to push through a bill that the rest of the world won't sign onto. That is not a conservative.
Concluded Scarborough: "I could go on forever and ever."
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Monday, January 28, 2008
Mitt Loosens Up, Tries to Seal the Deal

SWEETWATER, FL - Mitt Romney bounded on stage yesterday afternoon looking like a vacationing tourist instead of a candidate for President. Dressed in a white Guayabera - a traditional Cuban shirt given to him by one of the survivors of the Bay of Pigs - Romney pounded home his message on the economy before an enthusiastic crowd of about 200 supporters at the Jorge Mas Canosa Youth Center in Sweetwater.
Romney is on the cusp of a big win in Florida, and it's clear he knows it. He was remarkably animated as he ran through his standard stump speech, obviously energized by the excitement in the crowd - a group that interrupted his fifteen-minute long remarks on five different occasions with chants of "Go, Mitt, Go!"
In many ways the last few days have been tough ones for his campaign; John McCain, in addition to racking up key endorsements from Senator Mel Martinez and Governor Charlie Crist, has been blasting Romney with the accusation that the former Massachusetts Governor supported "secret time lines" for withdrawal from Iraq - going so far as to compare Romney's position to that of Senator Hillary Clinton.
Romney insists the charge is untrue - and in fact most of the media organizations that have fact checked McCain's claim find it highly misleading - and has publicly called for McCain to apologize. But despite being knocked off stride by McCain's attacks, Romney continued push forward with a focus on the economy, and it seems to be paying off as the latest round of polls show him with upward movement.
At a press conference after the rally held on a little league baseball field behind the youth center, Romney sought to defuse a question about the ongoing tussle with McCain, calling it "yesterday's news" and suggesting it was a diversion from a rival who doesn't want to talk about the economy. "He's doing everything he can to try and divert the attention away from his lack of understanding of the economy," Romney said.
As the race in Florida enters the final forty eight hours, Romney has much riding on the outcome. A win on Tuesday will give his candidacy a significant boost and set him up for a big night on February 5th. A second place finish in Florida, however, will make his task of stopping John McCain from winning the nomination that much harder, if not impossible.
Romney is not the only one who knows what's at stake. As he strode away from the press conference, Ann Romney emerged from the youth center along with son Craig, carrying his young baby, and Craig's wife. "Don't worry," a woman cheered in a heavy Spanish accent as the family walked by, "we're going to win on Tuesday." As the woman turned to leave she said quietly, to no one in particular, "we have to win on Tuesday."
Sunday, January 27, 2008
Romney Rises in Florida- Tied Nationally for the 1st time!

The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Sunday shows a two-man race for the Republican Presidential Nomination. John McCain and Mitt Romney are tied for the lead at 27% and no one else is close. Mike Huckabee is eleven points back at 16%, Rudy Giuliani is at 14%, and Ron Paul is supported by 6% of Likely Republican Primary Voters (see recent daily numbers).
New polling data released today shows Romney with a six point lead over McCain in Florida!
Liz Cheney endorses Romney!
"I am proud to support Governor Romney. Throughout this campaign, he has distinguished himself as a leader who can guide our country with a clear vision for overcoming the threats we face today. Dedicated to the success of our missions in Iraq and Afghanistan, Governor Romney is the only candidate who has outlined a comprehensive strategy for defeating the global Jihadist threat. I look forward to working with Governor Romney, because he is the leader our country needs," said Liz Cheney.
Making today's announcement, Governor Romney said, "Liz Cheney brings to our campaign years of experience helping to formulate America's foreign policy and to advance democracy and reform in the Middle East. She understands that to defeat this global Jihadist threat we have to help Muslim nations reject the violent extreme. I am honored that she will be joining our team."
Background On Liz Cheney:
Liz Cheney Is A Former High-Ranking State Department Official With Years Of Experience Helping To Formulate America's Foreign Policy. Most recently, Cheney served as the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs. As the Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary, she was the second-ranking State Department official overseeing U.S. policy in the Middle East. She helped develop and oversee programs to promote democracy and reform in the Arab world. Before joining the State Department, she served at the U.S. Agency for International Development, the International Finance Corporation of the World Bank, and as an attorney at White & Case LLP. Cheney was also a National Campaign Co-Chair for the Fred Thompson presidential campaign.
AJC Endorses Mitt Romney!

ATLANTA (AP) -- The Atlanta Journal-Constitution, Georgia’s largest newspaper, is endorsing former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney in the Republican race for the White House.
The newspaper said in an editorial published in its Sunday newspaper that it believes Romney best exemplifies the qualities needed in a president, including business knowledge and experience and the ability to perform under pressure.
The newspaper said that Arizona Senator John McCain, who is also seeking the GOP nomination, lacks the management experience and business and economic expertise to be the nominee.
Last week, the newspaper endorsed Illinois Senator Barack Obama in the Democratic presidential race.
Georgia’s presidential primary is February 5.
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Friday, January 25, 2008
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
Scarborough: Liberal Media Love McCain, Biased Toward Romney
Scarborough makes some good points here.
Monday, January 21, 2008
Mi Padre Mitt Romney
Craig Romney does the voice over in this ad. I believe he served his LDS mission in South America, and speaks fluent Spanish. This is a two-fer for attracting Latino voters, one it shows the Romney's are connected to Latino people in a way other candidates may not be able to demonstrate, and two it reinforces his image as the family values candidate all the while getting his resume across to voters. So, I guess it's actually a 3-fer.
Georgia Senate leader switches from Fred to Mitt Romney!
Johnson said he’s got no special knowledge of whether Thompson, who finished third in South Carolina on Saturday, will be pulling out of the Republican contest.
“I don’t know if he’s pulling out today or tomorrow or not at all,” Johnson told us from Savannah. “But clearly Fred Thompson is not going to be the nominee.”
Expect more defections. “All of the campaigns are reaching out to the Thompson people,” the senator said.
Gov. Mitt Romney on Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Boston, MA – Today, Governor Mitt Romney issued the following statement regarding Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.:
"On this day, we honor the vision and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., who devoted his life to fulfilling the truth revealed at our nation's founding that all men are created equal. He proved that one man with a dream can make a difference. While we have made great strides, there is still much work to be done to ensure all Americans prosper economically, have access to affordable health care, and receive a quality education. The failure of our inner city schools is the great civil rights issue of our time.
"Dr. King's life serves as an inspiration to all Americans and to liberty-loving people all over the world who aspire for freedom where it is threatened or does not exist."
Romney Leads in Florida!

The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey finds Mitt Romney with a slight lead in Florida’s Republican Presidential Primary. John McCain and Rudy Giuliani are close behind in what may develop into a three-man race. It’s Romney at 25%, McCain at 20%, and Giuliani at 19%. Romney has picked up seven points over the past week while McCain and Giuliani each inched up a point.
Rasmussen Reports
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Florida is a "must win"

Romney focuses on Florida after caucus win
Palm Beach Post Staff Writer
Saturday, January 19, 2008
JACKSONVILLE — Just hours after winning the Nevada Republican caucuses today, GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney said the upcoming Florida primary was a must-win.
"If you want to get the nomination, if you want to win the presidency, you gotta get Florida," Romney told an eager crowd at the University of North Florida.
The Romney campaign was upset with early losses in Iowa and New Hampshire, but has remained above water with wins in Michigan, Nevada and Wyoming.
He started his speech here as the polls were closing tonight in the more competitive South Carolina primary. Early results showed Romney in fourth place.
Romney received a warm welcome in Jacksonville where, despite a daylong rain and nearby tornado warning, about 700 people attended the evening rally.
The large crowd forced campaign officials to set up extra seating.
Endorsed by a handful of North Florida Republicans, including the sheriffs in Jacksonville and Nassau and St. Johns counties, Romney told his audience he was the candidate to spark changes in the economy, illegal immigration policies and the health care system.
Earlier in the day, the former Massachusetts governor released a $230 billion economic stimulus plan, much of which revolved around tax cuts for businesses and individuals.
The plan is more expensive than proposals from Democratic candidates Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, his two targets during his 30-minute speech in Jacksonville.
"A number of people running for president, including those two, want to run the largest economy in the world and the largest government in the world, but they've never had a job in the private sector," Romney said.
Romney's economic plan, which would let businesses write off equipment expenses for two years and permanently reduce taxes for the lowest income bracket, is also more aggressive than the $145 billion plan that President Bush unveiled on Friday.
Romney avoided details of his plan during the rally. Instead, he said his two-dozen years in the private sector made him the best candidate to help turn around a sluggish economy.
"If you don't learn how to change in the private sector, you're out of business," Romney said during an anecdote about a 1962 Rambler American.
"Whether that's making cars or selling insurance or selling homes or selling clothing or whatever you do, in the private sector you get better every year or your competitor will."
Mitt Romney: Protecting Traditional Families

This from
As much as I love David Brody, he gets it wrong when he says Gov. Romney will probably not "invest any political capitol" in federal marriage amendment. In fact, Gov. Romney has more experience fighting for traditional marriage than any other candidate:
1. He pushed for an amendment to Massachusetts’ constitution to overturn the same-sex “marriages” that courts have imposed,
2. he testified before Congress and wrote to senators in favor of the Federal Marriage Amendment, and
3. he ordered enforcement of a little-known 1913 law to prevent out-of-state gay couples from getting “married” in Massachusetts.
In fact, Gov. Romney averted a national constitutional crisis by legal maneuvering which made it impossible for gay couples in Tennessee, for example, to go to Massachusetts to wed. He famously said he wouldn't allow Massachusetts to become the "gay Las Vegas." He also tried to work within the system by circulating a petition to overturn the courts decision about the gay marriage issue. What have the other candidates done, other than just talk about it?
Yes, Gov. Romney is known more for his economic prowess. However, it's important to realize that Gov. Romney is the only viable Presidential candidate who represents all three legs of the Republican stool -- social, military, and fiscal conservatism.
Posted by Nancy French at 12:57 PM on January 20, 2008
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Governor Romney Talking Up the Economy in Florida!

Republican presidential candidate Mitt Romney greets his supporters at the start of his Florida swing in Jacksonville January 19, 2008, after winning the Nevada primary hours earlier.
JACKSONVILLE, Florida (Reuters) - Republican presidential contender Mitt Romney said on Saturday his $233.4 billion U.S. economic stimulus plan would rescue an economy on the "tipping point" of recession.
The former Massachusetts governor's package, details of which were reported on Friday, centers on several permanent tax cuts and would permanently reduce the rate for the lowest income tax bracket to 7.5 percent from 10 percent, retroactive to 2007.
Romney, briefing reporters on a flight to Florida from Nevada, where he won that state's presidential nominating contest, said the income tax cut would put $400 into the pockets of taxpayers and cost $49.8 billion to help stimulate the U.S. economy, which he said "is at a tipping point" of a recession.
The multimillionaire former venture capitalist, who is projecting an image of executive-style leadership, said the stimulus would need to be executed in 30 days to work.
"If we go into recession, the cost to the government is a lot larger than the cost of what I'm talking about," he said.
Romney said he would eliminate Social Security payroll taxes for workers over 65, a move he estimates would save elderly workers $10 billion and their employers $10 billion while encouraging older workers to stay in the workforce.
An elimination of capital gains and dividend taxes on households earning less than $200,000 a year would generate $32 billion in savings for taxpayers, he added.
His plan foresees $141.4 billion in stimulus to corporate America in measures that include permanently reducing the corporate tax rate to 20 percent from 35 percent over two years and allowing businesses to depreciate the value of new equipment purchases faster.
He said he would push to expand the Federal Housing Administration program to make it easier for U.S. homeowners to refinance their mortgages.
Romney took a swipe at one of his top rivals for the Republican nomination, Arizona Sen. John McCain, for suggesting controlling spending should be the country's top priority.
"Senator John McCain has said he does not see tax cuts as essential for stimulating an economy -- that's where he and I and most other Republicans separate," Romney said. "This is not a time to be suggesting tax cuts equal government spending and we shouldn't do them."
President George W. Bush on Friday called on Congress to enact a package of temporary tax cuts and other measures estimated to cost up to $150 billion.
Romney said his plan differed from Bush's because it combined short-term stimulus with longer-term efforts to keep the economy growing through permanent tax relief.
Romney on his Nevada Win!

Boston, MA – Throughout the state of Nevada this morning, people gathered at their local caucus site and cast their vote for change in Washington. With this important victory in the heart of the West, Governor Romney will continue traveling across the country calling for change in a Washington that is fundamentally broken. Governor Romney issued the following statement concerning his victory in Nevada:
"Today, the people of Nevada voted for change in Washington. For far too long, our leaders have promised to take the action necessary to build a stronger America, and still the people of Nevada and all across this country are waiting. Whether it is reforming health care, making America energy independent or securing the border, the American people have been promised much and are now ready for change.
"The need for change is even more apparent today as our economy faces challenges both here at home and abroad. For decades, we have talked about the long-term economic challenges confronting our country but still the tax burden is too high, business is stifled by regulations and more money goes to defending against junk lawsuits than promoting research and innovation. Now, Washington must act and take the steps necessary to strengthen our economy. With a career spent turning around businesses, creating jobs and imposing fiscal discipline, I am ready to get my hands on Washington and turn it inside out."
Random Thoughts on Today's Win
Total Delegates
Mitt Romney 72
John McCain 32
Mike Huckabee 27
Yeah, John McCain’s nomination is going to rally the Republican party much like Bob Dole did. Basically, go over like a lead balloon. Uh, lets see
- He’s been in the Senate for decades
- He’s a certified war hero
- He’s as old as dirt
- He’s ran for President 3 times before
- It’s his turn to get the nomination
Yes, it is! It is Bob Dole! I've seen this movie before and didn't like way it ends. He is just a slightly meaner, nastier version of ole Bob. The country is crying out for change and a new direction for American politics, and the Republican’s send out Senator Palpatine as their nominee? I don't think so.

*McCain is done after Super-Tuesday. Romney has raised almost 3 times as much money in Arizona as McCain. They are all pissed at McCain over McAmnesty, and Romney won the endorsement of Sheriff Joe Arpaio.
Can’t wait to see McCain answering questions about why Romney won Arizona.
Chris Matthews asks Romney a Very Serious Campaign Question
Unbelievable. Romney now has the most delegates and is in a great position to win Florida.
Friday, January 18, 2008
Romney on Leno Tonight!
Limbaugh For Romney?
Limbaugh, who makes a point of saying he does not officially endorse in the primaries, has nonetheless praised Romney effusively, repeated Romney's policy talking points, defended him against attacks from fellow conservatives, and after Romney's win in Michigan this week, declared him the front-runner.
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Romney in Heated Exchange with AP Reporter
Romney takes on an AP reporter, and comes out looking great. The Glen guy, the reporter for the AP has a long record of being part of the biased media.
Of course, this is not the first time that Romney has had to call out the media for bias.
For more on Glen check out this article at -
Las Vegas Review Journal - Endorses Mitt!
EDITORIAL: Romney best pick for state Republicans
GOP also caucusing on Saturday
You might not know it, but there's also a Republican caucus in Nevada on Saturday.
While the Democratic candidates have been showering attention on the Silver State in order to sway voters in preparation for their Saturday event, Republican hopefuls have been largely absent, preferring to campaign in Michigan and South Carolina.
Thus the GOP caucus here hasn't garnered nearly the attention of the Democratic one.
As it stands now, there is no clear Republican front-runner nationally. Mike Huckabee won Iowa, John McCain took New Hampshire and Mitt Romney picked up Michigan. The race in South Carolina looks to be close. Meanwhile, Rudy Giuliani is banking that he'll grab a big win in Florida and gain momentum for Super Tuesday, when 22 states will hold primaries.
The fight for the nomination "is going to be like the Bataan Death March," said Ron Kaufman, a top adviser to Mr. Romney.
Well then, perhaps even little old Nevada could provide a slight boost for the winning GOP candidate.
Republicans haven't had much national electoral success of late, and for that they have only themselves to blame. In the 14 years since the Gingrich revolution, too many Republicans have embraced the beltway culture and abandoned the very principles upon which their success with voters depended -- smaller government, low taxes, free markets and personal liberty.
Nevada Republicans on Saturday should examine their choices through precisely such a filter. Each GOP candidate can make -- and has made -- a reasonable case that he's best suited to ensure the party again embraces the ideas and concepts that made this nation a beacon of freedom and economic opportunity. But in our opinion, the viable candidate most likely to lead Republicans in such a direction is Mitt Romney, the former governor of Massachusetts.
Mr. Romney's economic agenda includes several pro-growth policies, including a plan to eliminate taxes on capital gains, interest and dividends for any household earning less than $200,000 a year. He backs a line-item veto, favors making the Bush tax cuts permanent and understands that imposing higher taxes as a means of fixing Social Security will only make the problem worse.
He's supportive of free trade, rejects protectionism, backs tort reform, supports school choice and accountability, and while governor was even able to successfully push a handful of spending reforms through Massachusetts' overwhelmingly Democratic legislature. Mr. Romney vows to exercise his veto power if Congress doesn't embrace spending restraint and understands the drag that excessive federal regulation imposes on the innovation and the economy.
Mr. Romney did push a measure to ensure universal health insurance in Massachusetts, but says as president he'd offer incentives for states to experiment with their own solutions, rather than embrace a top-down, national single-payer system. He also understands that a sensible energy policy will require developing more of America's domestic resources.
Mr. Romney has extensive experience in the private sector, which is unusual for far too many politicians. Before becoming governor of Massachusetts, he was the president and CEO of the Salt Lake City Olympic Organizing Committee. He is a former vice president and CEO of Bain & Company Inc., a Boston management consulting firm, and also a founder of Bain Capital, a private equity firm.
In a speech earlier this month to the Economic Club of Detroit, Mr. Romney articulated a concise understanding of what made this country great.
"The 20th century saw two economic systems pitted against each other," he said. "Ours, built on free enterprise and the primacy of the consumer. The Soviets', built on government command and control, and the primacy of the state.
"Ours produced the most powerful economy in the world that has given its citizens a standard of living our grandparents never dreamed possible; theirs produced a downward spiraling standard of living and eventual collapse.
"The 20th century history lesson is that America's economy is strong because we put our trust in the American people, and in the free enterprises they create."
We urge Nevada Republicans on Saturday to support Mitt Romney.
Wednesday, January 16, 2008
Monday, January 14, 2008
Sunday, January 13, 2008
McCainomics [Henry Payne]
John McCain is running an ad here in Detroit boasting of his small-government credentials. McCain scoffs at “a bridge to nowhere and $74 million for peanut storage.”
But McCain’s rhetoric masks Big Government instincts that may not play well if Mitt Romney continues to hammer McCain on economic themes. Long a national anomaly with its one-state recession, Michigan is suddenly on the cutting edge of economic concerns that have now grown national.
McCain’s solution? Massive, expensive regulation of a key economic sector, the auto industry, via fuel economy mandates that amount to a $85 billion tax increase on the domestic industry. Similar, so-called CAFÉ laws, have cost the industry thousands of jobs when they were first imposed during the last oil panic in the 1970s.
Coupled with his tin ear for economic stimulus (he opposed the crucial Bush tax cuts post 9/11) and McCain – for all his populist appeal here – appears more war leader than economy leader.
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Robo-Caller Encourages Democrats to Vote Huckabee!
By Paul Kiel - January 11, 2008, 1:41PM
Yesterday we gave you the rundown on Common Sense Issues, a nonprofit group that's been phoning millions of voters in key primary states on behalf of Mike Huckabee. The automated calls ask voters about their views on certain hot-button conservative issues and then provide a barrage of facts demonstrating that Huckabee is stronger.
I spoke with the group's executive director Patrick Davis this morning and asked him to lay it all out for me. Where was the group active? How many calls had they made? And were the calls illegal?
In addition to the approximately 850,000 calls in Iowa and 1 million in South Carolina, the group made 800,000 in New Hampshire, and already hundreds of thousands in Florida (he said it wasn't up to a million "yet"). They're on the phones currently in Michigan, he said, and have reached on the order of two million homes. All the calls are generally identical, he said, with some exceptions.
For instance, the group is calling independent and Democratic homes in Michigan, encouraging them to cross over and vote for Huckabee in the Republican primary because "they don't have much of a choice on their ballot," Davis explained. A commenter to yesterday's post, ROSS in Detroit, said he'd received one of these calls, writing:
"I'm in MI near Detroit. My ZIP Code is heavily Dem. I just got one of the push poll robocalls described. It urged me as a Democrat to cross over and vote in the GOP primary for Huckabee! It was immediately clear at the beginning of the 2 min 45 sec call that this was in favor of Huckabee. . . . ."
See below for another description of the calls by another TPM reader.
Davis defended the calls, saying that the group's activities were "well within federal law." And he repeated the group's explanation as for why these weren't push polls (imitations of polls meant to disperse negative information). Every call is unique, he said, because of the group's "personal identification artificial intelligence" technology. And "every bit of it is factual."
It's unclear how much money the group has raised or how much they've spent on these calls and television ads. As required by law, they've disclosed certain activities to the Federal Election Commission -- about $100,000 worth, though only $7,610 of that was to pay for these calls. When I asked him about that, he said that the majority of the calls were "issue" oriented "education" calls that were going to both voter and non-voting citizens -- the group only has to disclose expenses related to "express advocacy." Given that such calls cost anywhere from five to fifteen cents per call, it's safe to assume that the group has spent more than a quarter of a million dollars on the calls alone.
Since the group is a 501(c)4, they are not required by law to disclose their donors, and Davis wouldn't tell me how much they'd raised. However, they've publicly disclosed to the FEC having raised $100,000 from six contributors. The group (under the name Common Sense Ohio) spent $827,000 in the 2006 elections, according to data compiled by the Campaign Finance Institute.
Davis confirmed that the calls were used to get out the vote. The calls are used to identify voters' preferences on issues and candidates, he said, a list that's used on election day. "It's a typical GOTV strategy -- make a list and turn it out."
As for what's next? "Michigan is still a priority for us," he said, and said that the group "maybe" will launch a TV ad in South Carolina the way they did in Iowa.
Here's that TPM reader's description of another of the group's calls:
Thought you might like to know details about a robo-call just received by me in Ypsilanti, Michigan, approx. 8:15 PM, today the 10th. I was unable to write down a complete transcript of the call, but it was clearly pro-Huckabee and anti-Romney. In push-poll format, it gave me the lowdown on the two candidates. Huckabee wants my taxes lower, and supported the Bush tax cuts, while Romney is apparently out to tax me to support illegal immigrants in "sanctuary cities". It mentioned the immigration issue the most, mentioning the Minutemen organization endorsing Huckabee twice. It also brought up "the Clinton gun ban laws" and asked if I supported them. After saying no (to make sure I heard what came next), it said Romney endorsed these gun-grabbing laws, but that Huckabee not only didn't endorse them, but was a "life-long hunter" and has a concealed carry permit. That was the weirdest part. Gun control is one thing, but apparently I was supposed to be reassured because Huck is *personally* packin' heat.
Evangelicals Thumbing Their Nose at GOP
It is time for the evangelical Huckabee supporters to understand that Economic & Fiscal conservatives now get to make the same threat that Evangelicals made earlier. Evangelical Huckabee supporters don't like Rudy because he's pro-choice. Economic/Fiscal conservatives don't like Huckabee (nor McCain for that matter) because these guys aren't fiscal or economic conservatives at all...their records prove it.
Here are the ultimatums from both sides:
*Nominate Rudy and Evangelicals abandon the GOP in Nov.
*Nominate Huckabee (or McCain) and Econ/Fiscal conservatives abandon the GOP in Nov.
Either way - we all lose.
Fred & Mitt are the only candidates who offer both groups what they want in a presidential platform and thus Fred & Mitt are the only candidates who can win in November. Of those two - Fred is the long shot and doesn't have a whole lot going for him at all...which makes him the poorer choice of the two. The time has come to take a serious, serious look at Mitt Romney and everything he stands for.
Pride of America
Romney has the most votes so far, he has the best resume- C'MON MICHIGAN! Put him over the top big time!
Friday, January 11, 2008
Romney Surging Nationally!

According to the latest Rasmussen Poll Governor Romney is still ticking upward nationally - gaining an additional 5 points in the last week alone!
Hair Trigger McCain
Funny video, unfortunately this would be the least of the reasons not to vote for him.
A Republican Liberal?
Obstacles in the way of conservative support.
By Mark R. Levin
There’s a reason some of John McCain's conservative supporters avoid discussing his record. They want to talk about his personal story, his position on the surge, his supposed electability. But whenever the rest of his career comes up, the knee-jerk reply is to characterize the inquiries as attacks.
The McCain domestic record is a disaster. To say he fought spending, most particularly earmarks, is to nibble around the edges and miss the heart of the matter. For starters, consider:
McCain-Feingold — the most brazen frontal assault on political speech since Buckley v. Valeo.
McCain-Kennedy — the most far-reaching amnesty program in American history.
McCain-Lieberman — the most onerous and intrusive attack on American industry — through reporting, regulating, and taxing authority of greenhouse gases — in American history.
McCain-Kennedy-Edwards — the biggest boon to the trial bar since the tobacco settlement, under the rubric of a patients’ bill of rights.
McCain-Reimportantion of Drugs — a significant blow to pharmaceutical research and development, not to mention consumer safety (hey Rudy, pay attention, see link).
* And McCain’s stated opposition to the Bush 2001 and 2003 tax cuts was largely based on socialist, class-warfare rhetoric — tax cuts for the rich, not for the middle class. The public record is full of these statements. Today, he recalls only his insistence on accompanying spending cuts.
* As chairman of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science and Transportation, McCain was consistently hostile to American enterprise, from media and pharmaceutical companies to technology and energy companies.
McCain also led the Gang of 14, which prevented the Republican leadership in the Senate from mounting a rule change that would have ended the systematic use (actual and threatened) of the filibuster to prevent majority approval of judicial nominees.
And then there’s the McCain defense record.
His supporters point to essentially one policy strength, McCain’s early support for a surge and counterinsurgency. It has now evolved into McCain taking credit for forcing the president to adopt General David Petreaus’s strategy. Where’s the evidence to support such a claim?
Moreover, Iraq is an important battle in our war against the Islamo-fascist threat. But the war is a global war, and it most certainly includes the continental United States, which, after all, was struck on 9/11. How does McCain fare in that regard?
McCain-ACLU — the unprecedented granting of due-process rights to unlawful enemy combatants (terrorists).
McCain has repeatedly called for the immediate closing of Guantanamo Bay and the introduction of al-Qaeda terrorists into our own prisons — despite the legal rights they would immediately gain and the burdens of managing such a dangerous population.
While McCain proudly and repeatedly points to his battles with Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who had to rebuild the U.S. military and fight a complex war, where was McCain in the lead-up to the war — when the military was being dangerously downsized by the Clinton administration and McCain’s friend, former Secretary of Defense Bill Cohen? Where was McCain when the CIA was in desperate need of attention? Also, McCain was apparently in the dark about al-Qaeda like most of Washington, despite a decade of warnings.
My fingers are crossed that at the next debate, either Fred Thompson or Mitt Romney will find a way to address McCain’s record. (Mike Huckabee won’t, as he is apparently in the tank for him.)
— Mark R. Levin served as chief of staff to Attorney General Edwin Meese in the Reagan administration, and he is a nationally syndicated radio talk show host.
Mark Levin as always makes some great points. The question is how did we end up in this mess? The answer is New Hampshire or more specifically the fact that independents can vote in NH's primary. This makes no sense to me whatsoever. I mean shouldn't Republicans decide who their nominee is going to be?
I mean whoever wins will be the Republican nominee, doesn't it make a little bit of sense to let Republicans vote for that person? New Hampshire has thrown the GOP, a curve ball - but I think eventually we will hit a homerun when Romney wins the nomination. Lets face it, McCain has tried to capture the Republican nomination at twice prior and he didn't get it because he's a liberal.
CNN: Gov. Romney On The Michigan Economy
Some comments from the Youtube comments:
Michigan's unemployment level is at a staggering 7.4% and the average unemployment level in the US is over 5%! We have been losing our jobs to third world countries for the past 30 years and McCain knows it and in all his years in Washinton did nothing to prevent it! He even attempted to allow ilegals to buy their citizenship! Romney has the proven record for saving lost jobs and has the greatest shot at saving our economy! A vote for Romney is a vote for our jobs!
McCain says he is just giving straight talk that jobs are not coming back? That is a defeatist attitude. It is only true if you don't know how to get the jobs back or why they come and go. Gov. Romney not only knows how to do that, he will do it. People of Michigan: VOTE FOR ROMNEY!
Thursday, January 10, 2008
Romney's 1st 100 Days!

I got my absentee voter ballot in the mail today, and couldn't have been more thrilled. Finally, I get the chance to do what people in Iowa, New Hampshire and Wyoming have done- VOTE FOR MITT ROMNEY! Mitt is already getting votes in California, way to go!
On a semi-related note, I was pondering what Mitt needs to do to get his message out in an effective way. I know he has tons of campaign staff, and advisers but I just can't help but throw my two cents in. The things that I keep hearing on the news over and over from voters is the complaint that the candidates never tell the people what they are going to do once elected. Now personally, I don't know why people say that, it seems like there have been 187 debates so far, Romney has his website, his 73 page guide to a Stronger America - which outlines his policy proposals pretty well.
That being said, I think he needs to simplify. Yes, Mitt needs to keep on saying the things he has been saying, and pushing for his policies, but he needs to say it in a simpler way in my opinion. One of the things, I've liked about Mitt's campaign is his focus on the 3 things that make up the conservative coalition - Strong Defense, Strong Economy, and Strong Families. It tells you basically what he's about, and it's easy to remember. People like things in threes: The Three Bears, the Three Little Pigs, The 3 Wisemen, 3 blind mice, 3 musketeers, 3 stooges, 3 Amigos, etc.
But, he needs to simplify that message and be more specific at the same time - how does he do this?
Easy. Offer up one thing related to his 3 legs of the stool that he is going to do in
the 1st 100 days of the Romney Administration. I propose the following:
1) Finish the Border Fence- You remember the fence don't you? The thing that Congress signed a law promising to build (before the elections) and has since stopped funding for it's construction. Nothing symbolizes a "broken Washington" like the unfinished border fence. It was supposed to be finished by May 30, 2007. Today only 70 miles of the 700 mile fence have been completed and the parts that were completed are not up to the standards of the original specs in the bill.
Could Romney get this done in the 1st 100 days? Without a doubt. With a voter mandate of having won the election and the fact that Congress has already agreed to do this. Getting this done, should not be a problem. It would also hammer home the fact that the new boss is from the business world where results are expected.
2) Lower Gas Prices- With the price of gasoline quickly approaching $4 per gallon, consumers are feeling the pinch. The middle class is affected the most by the high price of gasoline, less cash on hand for the middle class is largely what has some economists concerned about the possibility of a recession in the near future. President Romney should convene a meeting with the Governors of all 50 states, and have them all resolve (signing a 30 year contract) by which all grades of gasoline in the United States will be the same. I believe their are currently 26 different grades of gas in the U.S. this is a large part of reason gasoline is so expensive, because the oil refineries have to make 26 different types of gasoline just for the U.S. Even if all 50 states adopted a supposedly higher grade and safer grade of gasoline, such as California's it would still lead to lower gas prices. California's grade might be a good one for the nation to adopt as California is the most populated state in the nation - and it would be OK for the other liberal states that require a different grade of gasoline.
Putting the US on a national standard for gasoline only makes sense, doing that plus decreasing some of the federal gas tax, would be something that every American would notice. It's a sign on every street corner that things are changing and would underscore once again that there is a new boss running the show, and that having a business man in change might be a great idea.
3) Tax Relief for Middle-Class Families I know Governor Romney really wants to be the biggest tax cutter in recent American history as he has proposed to eliminate the Death Tax, lower Corporate Tax Rates, and there are many other taxes that he proposed to do away with along with cutting spending, and consolidating government. Those are all things to do later in his term, first thing is Tax Relief for the middle class. Congress (even if it's a Democratic one) could hardly fight this, as it is so badly needed. The Romney Administration can determine what form this would take, but it should be a large enough of a tax break that people remember getting their check, and that it spurs on the economy.
Each of these three things fits in with Romney's policy proposal and message:
Strong National Defense - Finish Border Fence
Strong Economy - Lower Gas Prices by using the free market
Strong Families - Tax Relief for Middle Class Families
You never get another chance to make a first impression, and the first 100 days of the Romney administration could determine if there will be a 2nd term. If Romney will adopt these ideas into his campaign- he will be win Michigan, South Carolina and Florida. He will also win over a lot of people who didn't vote for him the first time, but will the 2nd.
Sunday, January 6, 2008
Washington Is Broken
Mitt is right on with this one. Musical chairs is not the answer, it's time for an outside with a background in something other than government to fix things.
It's time for Mitt Romney.
Luntz focus group: Romney wins New Hampshire debate
New Hampshire is not Iowa. Mitt Romney has now won both debates in New Hampshire, yesterdays and todays.
Mitt is the man that can beat Obama or Hillary!
McCain's attacks backfire!

Watch it!
Media types. Several media pundits felt multiple attacks on Mitt Romney in last night's debate were very effective. The Politico's Jonathan Martin was particularly vocal, forcefully carrying his personal observations over onto Fox News. The edited video below contradicts that interpretation by displaying real time measurements of live viewer reactions to attacks on Romney by both McCain and Huckabee and Romney's response. Thanks to WMUR for the raw video.
McCain's viewer ratings tank as he snidely laughs at his own remarks. Likewise, Huckabee's ratings take a real dip and viewer reaction through Romney's response not only elevates, it displays a turn around documenting how Romney clearly won the exchange in the eyes that matter most - those of New Hampshire voters.<
Gov. Romney: The New Hampshire Debate
The reviews have come in and Romney won tonights debate handily. McCain LIED and came across as an old crank, Huckabee flat out LIED about supporting the troop surge, Giuliani and Fred also tried to attack Romney establishing him as the clear front runner.
Here is what people had to say about Governor Romney's performance tonight:
The critics
Saturday, January 5, 2008
Romney Wins Wyoming- BIG TIME!
Now that's a victory! Romney won 67% of the votes, with the only other votes going to Duncan Hunter and Fred Thompson. I have to congratulate the voters of Wyoming who know a conservative Republican when they see one. Duncan Hunter had a surprising 2nd place finish in this race, but what has surprised me is why isn't Duncan Hunter doing better?
As far as I am concerned Wyoming picked among the only 3 real candidates to be considered for the job, and they got the winner right too.
A count of the delegates won so far:
What's interesting about this is even IF Romney takes 2nd place in New Hampshire, he will still likely be in 1st place when it comes to the number of delegates won.
Gov. Romney on Cutting Waste In Government
This a lot of what separates Mitt Romney from the other candidates. Who else can say things like this? Who else has a record of consolidating government, cutting spending, and balancing budgets like Governor Romney? No one.
GO MITT!!!!!!!!
Flashback: Sen. McCain Endorses Mitt Romney
A man of honesty, a man of integrity, a man who is prepared to serve, a man who I've grown to know for his honesty, his decency, his commitment to America. I'm proud to be in his company, aren't you?
We have a man of unimpeachable integrity and decency and honor who could do a lot of other good things, we all know that. Yet this man has willingly stepped forward to serve and give Americans a public office holder that they can look up to and admire.
Tough decisions are going to have to be made, and there is only one type of man who can make those decisions and that's a man of intellectual integrity, and honesty and experience.
Thank you Senator McCain, couldn't have said it better myself.
Friday, January 4, 2008
On to New Hampshire!
Senator John McCain smiles as he calls Governor Huckabee to congratulate him on his win in Iowa. Recent reports suggest that Huckabee and McCain have agreed to run as a ticket, and have combined their efforts to attack Mitt Romney.
Some interesting points brought up regarding the Huckabee win, that put things in perspective:
* Reagan and Bush lost Iowa. So, if anything - statistically speaking the winner of Iowa may be a greater indicator of who is NOT going to get the nomination than who is.
* Turn Rich Lowry's numbers around ( and you'd see something very interesting - if Utah was the first caucus and 60% of caucusers were Mormons and Mitt only got 1/3 of the vote and only won by 9 points, you'd say he lost. You'd say that even if his opponent had spent millions more. I hate to sound like a sore loser, but the media response doesn't make sense to me. Given the favorable circumstances, I think Huckabee lost and Mitt won.
I mean seriously, no offense to Iowans - but I really think they blew it. They gave their votes to the one candidate who has absolutely no chance of getting the nomination. What are the odds that the Republican party is going to nominate a candidate who:
* Has the endorsement of the NEA
* Is opposed to vouchers and school choice
* Has a history of raising numerous taxes
* Supports benefits for illegals
* Has exploited a celebrity endorsement like no one else in the modern era
* Questions his opponents religious beliefs as part of his platform
* Who plays the populist and class envy card relentlessly
* Who has a history of pardoning rapists, murders, and generally being soft on crime
These ingredients do not a Republican nominee make.
Thursday, January 3, 2008
Mitt Romney - An Introduction
For those of you who didn't see this video when Romney's website first launched. It is awesome and inspiring.
Mitt Romney's Trump Card

I'm usually not big on giving Mitt Romney advice, his campaign seems to be doing a top notch job of that already given that he is tied for 1st in Iowa, New Hampshire, South Carolina and Florida.
But, I think I have an idea that is his ace up his sleeve and at the same time John McCain's kryptonite in New Hampshire. I don't know if these points should be run as a TV ad, or mentioned at the debates, but here goes:
* When Massachusetts was faced with a 3 billion dollar budget crisis, liberals wanted to raise taxes, Mitt Romney cut government.
* He eliminated and combined duplicative agencies and programs, and he balanced the budget 4 years in a row.
* Mitt Romney was the 1st candidate to sign the no tax pledge.
* In 35 years in U.S. Senate, John McCain has been responsible for the elimination of a total ZERO government programs.
- To Read Governor Romney's Conservative Blueprint To Lower Taxes, Please Click Here .
- To Read Governor Romney's Conservative Blueprint To Restrain Spending, Please Click Here .
*Notice whenever John McCain talks about fixing social security, he talks about the American people "having to make tough decisions" about SS and medicare. It sounds an awful lot like when the Democrats talk about the American people having to make "sacrifices" for Social Security. In other words, it is code for a TAX HIKE. McCain voted against the Bush Tax cuts, and has not signed the NO TAXES pledge.
McCain says, "You are going to have to sit down as we did in 1984 in a bipartisan basis, and make tough decisions about Social Security and Medicare." In other words, hold onto you wallets! In 1984 the house and senate voted to raise taxes. Stuff your money in the mattress, because McCain and the Democrats are going to work together in raising your taxes and work together in expanding government.
McCain talks about controlling wasteful spending but is there one, ONE example he can show as a government program that he eliminated???? McCain has overseen the largest increase in the size of the federal government while he has been in the senate.
As Chairman of the Commerce Committee in 1998, he sponsored and voted for an enormous 282% tax increase on cigarettes.
Senator McCain not only voted against the Bush tax cuts, he joined leading liberal senators in offering and voting for amendments designed to undermine them. All in all, Senator McCain voted on the pro-tax side of 14 such amendments in 2001 and 2003. These included such odious measures as:
* An amendment sponsored by Senator John D. Rockefeller (D-WV) to prohibit a reduction in the top tax rate until Congress enacted legislation to provide a prescription drug benefit
* An amendment sponsored by Senator Russ Feingold (D-WI) against full repeal of the Death Tax.[11] This vote is in keeping with Senator McCain's 2002 vote against repealing the Death Tax
* An amendment sponsored by Tom Daschle (D-SD) and co-sponsored by Senator McCain to limit tax reduction in the top tax bracket to one percentage point
On a February, 23, 2005 edition of Meet the Press, Tim Russert asked Senator McCain if he would support "as part of the solution to Social Security's solvency problem, that you lift the cap so that you would pay payroll tax, Social Security tax, not just on the first $90,000 of your income, but perhaps even higher?" Senator McCain answered, "As part of a compromise I could . . . I'm proud of the job that Senator Lindsey Graham has been doing in his leadership position on this issue and showing some courage."
No offense Senator McCain, but I don't see what is so courageous about raising taxes.
Tuesday, January 1, 2008
Asian Tiger
In the closing days of the Iowa Caucus. Romney plays to his strengths - business and economics. It's a great ad, and something that really separates him from the other candidates.