Pancakes and Handshakes on Romney Campaign Stop
Written by Ayesha Thomas, Multimedia Producer
Republican presidential hopeful Mitt Romney made a stop in Sacramento Thursday. The former Massachusetts governor stopped by the I-Hop restaurant on Advantage Lane to greet supporters.
After kissing babies and shaking hands, Romney spent some time with reporters answering questions about healthcare, energy conservation and former California Gov. Pete Wilson's endorsement of Romney’s GOP rival Rudy Giuliani, the former mayor of New York.
On the latter subject, Romney didn’t seem worried at all about the Wilson endorsement.
"I'm actually doing pretty well," Romney said. "I saw a new poll in California. I'm coming up and up and up. In New Hampshire I was in single digits when the year began. Now I'm in the lead. So I'm feeling pretty darn good."
Romney added, "I'm not surprised that Gov. Wilson would support Gov. Giuliani. They're both pro-choice. I think that's pretty expected."
Romeny did blast Giuliani for his policies on illegal immigration.
"His posture also in saying that if you’re working here and paying taxes, then sign them up. In my opinion, that’s also the wrong course. In my opinion, amnesty or anything like amnesty is not the right way to go," said Romney. "We should invite illegal aliens to get in line with everyone else."
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