Knock on wood, things are looking good. I recently received in the mail, the Romney for President Battle Plan 2008 which outlines the upcoming caucuses and their respective dates. Some of these are tentative, but it shows that Romney's strategy is working. Isn't it amazing that the entreprener successful business man would also happen to be the most competent candidate at marketing, branding, raising money and following a campaign strategy through to success.
This is all even more remarkable when you consider that just a few short months ago, John McCain was considered a lock for the nomination, and the only threat to his candidacy was Mayor Giuliani. Romney has gone from unknown to... well, let's take a look at the primaries:
IOWA STRAW POLL: 31.5% Romney won with a larger percentage than Gov. George W. Bush in 2000.
IOWA CAUCUSES: January 2 or 3 -
Latest poll: Mitt Romney 29%, Fred Thompson 18%, Mike Huckabee 12%, Rudy Giuliani 11%, John McCain 7% - Des Moines Register 10/01-10/03
WYOMING: January 5th- While there is no polling date from Wyoming yet, at last report Mitt Romney was in 1st place in dollars raised in that state coming in at over 800,000 with the next closest candidate behind him at about roughly half that amount.
NEW HAMPSHIRE: January 8th- (tenative)
Latest poll: Mitt Romney 28%, Rudy Giuliani 20%, McCain 17%, Thompson 8% - Insider Advantage Poll 10/2
MICHIGAN: There are 3 polls for Michigan here are the averages of those from Realclearpolitics.com - Mitt Romney 26.7%, Giuliani 18.3%, Thompson 14%, McCain 13%
It should also be noted that Mitt Romney won the Mackinac Straw Poll in Michigan by wide margin: Romney 39%, McCain 26%, Paul 11%, Giuliani 10.5%, Thompson 7%
NEVADA & SOUTH CAROLINA: January 19th- Latest Nevada Poll: Romney 28%, Thompson 18%, Giuliani 18%, McCain 8% - Research 2000 8/16
Latest South Carolina Poll: Mitt Romney 26%, 23% Rudy Giuliani, McCain 15%, Thompson 10%
FLORIDA January 29th- Latest Poll: Giuliani 29%, Thompson 19%, Romney 16%, McCain 10%. One thing that should be noticed is that Romney has trended upward in Florida for several months now, and this poll could change dramatically after October's Florida debate, not to mention the publicity a candidate may be given after winning some of the early primaries.
5th: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado (Dem caucuses), Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Illinois, Minnesota, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico (Dem caucuses), New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah
- While there is not really any polling data for Super-Duper Tuesday it should be noted that Mitt Romney leads all candidates in fundraising in the states of Arizona, Missouri, and of course Utah.
Should be intersting, and given that Mitt has a shot at winning the first 5 primaries, he will be given a huge boost going into Florida and Super-Duper Tuesday. Things seem to be going according to plan almost like there was an extremely smart executive in charge of the whole thing.
I am glad you mentioned Wyoming because it seems like noone else will. Can we find someone to foot the $6000 bill to commission a survey of GOP voters?
I'd chip in a dollar, now all you have to do is find 5999 other people like me. Seriously though, how many candidates have even campaigned in Wyoming? How many have been to Wyoming?
I think Wyoming will be important because it'll add to the Mittmentum after wins in Iowa and New Hampshire. So, once you add wins in Wyoming, Nevada and Michigan. It's going to be all-Mitt all the time.
Don't feel bad though, Nevada never gets mentioned either.
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