In their efforts to find skeletons in Mitt Romney's closet the liberal media has met with frustrating results- their aren't any. So, what's a biased editorial board to do? The answer is obvious, "He's too perfect". After the campaigns of Gary Hart, Bill Clinton's numerous affairs, the didn't inhale episode, the boxers or briefs questions, George W's cocaine accusations, and DUI's, you'd think American would be ready for a President who's only baggage brought to the White House are the ones that will contain his clothes.
The Liberal media is having none of this. And, what's worse some conservative news outlets online have generally shown a theme of repeating the liberal media's mantra. I don't know if they consider themselves to be Anti-Romney websites, but they sure come across that way. I'm speaking about Worldnetdaily.com and Hotair.com. Hotair sure had seemed to thrown it's hat in with Fred Thompson at least initially. Now they don't seem to know who to go to. Well, as a Romney supporter I want to say you all are welcome aboard the Romney express.
What bugged me about their cite most recently was their linking to and seeming to endorse the rhetoric of the LA times with this snipet:
Indeed, when a woman he bumps into while walking precincts here happens to mention he was once half an hour late to a house party, Romney stops dead in the middle of the street and turns disbelievingly to an aide: “I was late? I’m never late. . . . When was I a half-hour late?” It is finally determined that he was not late, the world makes sense again, and he trots happily down the block, where a “Mitt Romney for President” yard sign the size of a billboard greets him.
The article on the front page of their site has the caption, "Man or Machine"?
A few of the bloggers who left comments were astounded by Romney's seemingly odd behavior. I would like to remind those posters that punctuality is an important characteristic of leadership. If Mitt Romney has this ingrained into him, well he's in good company.
I'm refering to page 291 of Sterling W. Sill's book style="font-style:italic;">Leadership. Before Tony Robbins, and before Steven R. Covey there was Sterling W. Sill. He was I'm sure the inspiration for a lot of what those men do and he wrote numerous books on how to be successful, leadership, and how to be a good Christian. He was a powerful Mormon speaker, and had this to say on punctuality:
George Washington once made an appointment to buy a span of horses at three o'clock. The would-be seller showed up at 3:01. But General Washington was no longer interested in the span of horses nor the man who was not faithful to his word. The amount of time involved may be great or small, but the difference is only one of degree; the principle remains the same. Technically the appointment is cancelled if one of the parties defaults by being late, but he inconvience and discourtesy can never be cancelled. President Washington had a habit of inviting new members of Congress to dine with him. Occasionally someone would arrive late and be mortified to find the President eating. Washington once said, "My cook never asks if the guests have arrived, but only if the hour has arrived." Experienced senators who knew the President never arrived late for any appointment with Washington.
When the secretary of George Washington tried to excuse his lateness by saying that his watch was slow Washington replied, "Then you must get a new watch or I another secretary."
So, I guess the only question left is - George Washington, Man or Machine?
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